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  • vanessa 1:37 am on March 26, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , volunteer   

    I was talking to my best friend this mo … 

    I was talking to my best friend this morning about how I was stressed out about getting all the baby things we need for the foster/adopt program, and excitingly her mom has a really cute white shabby chic dresser for me 😀 My first baby item–well other than the truck load of baby clothes my sister gave me that I have no idea what Im going to do with– This is something I need and happen to really like–Ive admired it before at her house– God is so great, he really provides! I just need to remind myself of that when Im stressed and freaking out about all the things I need to do 😛
    So, this week is spring break for me and Ive pretty much been going non-stop, when Im in school I have no time for the details of life. People always think being a student is so great– all the free time!!– I just think what free time?? I’d like to know where it went, I want it back! NOW!! LOL
    Speaking of school, Im getting ready to do some homework now. Yes, you read that right, homework on spring break. Im taking a chemistry series, so this upcoming class that starts on monday is basically a continuation of last quarter, complete with homework and all! BLAHHHH, I hate chemistry, but as a biology major with the intent of attending medical school I’d better learn to love it 🙂

    I went to orientation today for the volunteer position I talked about earlier and all went well with that, boring like all orientations are, but good nonetheless. Im a little miffed that I have to go back on friday to “return paperwork” and get my PPD read. I hate driving into the city, I did it for three years straight and I hated every moment of it! Oh the road rage! LOL. . . I hope I can manage it once a week.

    well thats it for now, off to do homework, and then to bed.

  • vanessa 5:30 am on March 16, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , volunteer   

    Oh, the studying!! Its so exhausting!! … 

    Oh, the studying!! Its so exhausting!! I have a chemistry test tomorrow and my brain is complete mush. Anyway, this week will be really hectic to say the least. On monday I have that exam I just noted above, Tuesday I have an interview to volunteer at Harborview Medical Center, Wed and Thurs I have to study like a mad crazy person, then lastly I have both my math and chemistry finals on Friday! Whew, not that you wanted or need to know that, but its out there… LOL. OMGoodness, I just looked at my calendar and noticed that my finals are scheduled for the nineteenth, that only leaves me one day free to study! And I though I was screwed before! Wish me luck.

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